Great Tire Service! Quick & Honest! Kyle


Great Customer Service. Great Tire Service! Quick & Honest! Kyle


Chelsea I are is the only place in Birmingham that we will go for our automotive needs. They are always friendly, prompt, and thorough with everything they do.


Prompt and thorough service with a smile. Chelsea I are is the only place in Birmingham that we will go for our automotive needs. They are always friendly, prompt, and thorough with everything they do.


David said they did good work and they were thorough.


Jason said they did exactly what he asked them to do. Most businesses would not do a diagnostic without doing the work and this business was able to do a diagnostic without having them to do work.


. David said they did good work and they were thorough.


. Jason said they did exactly what he asked them to do. Most businesses would not do a diagnostic without doing the work and this business was able to do a diagnostic without having them to do work.


Ruby said the vehicle was fixed and she did not have to wait long.


Brannon said the employees who work for this business are good people, and they are easy to work with.

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