great customer service. Good home town business


Good home town business


Russell said the business did a good job servicing his vehicle.


. Russell said the business did a good job servicing his vehicle.


We love Chelsea tire. They are so trustworthy and always do an excellent job!


Professional, thorough and quick. We love Chelsea tire. They are so trustworthy and always do an excellent job!


They could have just made up something with the type problem I had to make money, but they did not do that. It is hard to find a business like that these days, for that they have my Trust and Respect Thanks Bill and all the guys at Chelsea Tire Pros.


Keith said the business finished in a timely manner.


Very hospitable and accommodating.. They could have just made up something with the type problem I had to make money, but they did not do that. It is hard to find a business like that these days, for that they have my Trust and Respect Thanks Bill and all the guys at Chelsea Tire Pros.


. Keith said the business finished in a timely manner.

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